Category: Jazz
Scottish Jazz Space’s Fiona Mactaggart, together with established musicians Sophie Bancroft, Malcolm MacFarlane and Marianne McGregor, has co-founded an agency – the first in Scotland to focus on Jazz! ???? Launch concerts are happening across the Scottish central belt this November 2022!! More details below ?
Introducing: Jazz Forward! ✨✨✨✨ Jazz Forward is “a new live music agency bringing exciting and original Scottish Jazz to audiences everywhere”.
Founded by a collective of established musicians/multi-instrumentalists Marianne McGregor, Malcolm MacFarlane and Sophie Bancroft and music journalist (and Scottish Jazz…
Ali Affleck, Scottish-American Jazz singer. Scottish Jazz Space’s FM interviewed Ali for Women In Jazz Media – she speaks about her lived experience of mental health issues.
Photo courtesy of Jazz Scotland
Keyna Wilkins is a Sydney-based composer-musician whose music has been variously characterised as (amongst other labels) Art Music, Space Jazz and Indigenous-Jazz Fusion. Certain of her preoccupations resonate with issues that we here in Scotland, likewise face. Scottish Jazz Space’s FM had the pleasure of interviewing her recently.
Photo credit: Phyllis Wong.
Lukas Ligeti is a composer, drummer, electronic percussionist and improvisor whose conceptually rich and genre transcending music is attracting increasing attention world-wide. He hasn’t played in Scotland for a few years now, but hopefully he’ll tour through here again in the not too distant future! ? Here is SJS’ (under my name FM) recent interview with him, as appeared in Jazz In Europe today 5th July 2021.
Credits for within-article photos: Markus Sepperer.
Jazz in Europe have run an interview with me (FM) to promote the Scottish jazz scene! ? A bit of a stream of consciousness gush from me, but hey, Scottish jazz IS AMAZING!
(This article was originally planned to come out on International Women’s Day, hence the greater focus on women jazzers.)
For International Women’s Day, here is a Q and A with the wonderful Scottish violinist, vocalist and composer Seonaid Aitken!